Community Prayer - The community prayer is a prayer offered on behalf of the congregation by one person. This is meant as a time to share with God publicly what is on the hearts and minds of our community.
Invitation to Offering - This is a short reminder about the meaning of giving and an explanation of how people can give.
Reading Scripture - This is reading the scripture that will be used in the sermon for the week.
Singing/playing instrument as part of the team - Music as a group.
Singing/performing as a soloist - Music not as group.
Leading Communion (Consecrating) - Most weeks, the pastor will lead the congregation through the liturgy* of communion. There is nothing in our tradition that says it has to be a pastor, and at times, elders in the congregation lead in the blessing of the communion elements.
Amongst the People
Ushers/Greeters - Ushers and Greeters welcome people into the building, guide people to their seats, help people to find things like the restroom or snacks.
Pass the Offering - During the offering time, a person walks down the aisle with a plate to collect the offering.
Serve Communion - During communion people work in pairs to offer people the traditional wafer and grape juice that represent the bread and wine that Jesus served during his last meal with his disciples.
Facebook Livestream - We livestream our services (currently through Facebook). This person turns on the livestream and ideally responds to comments in real time.
Slides (Powerpoint) - This person changes the slides throughout the service.
Sound Board - This person operates the sound board. (Training required).